<aside> 👋 Hey there!

We're absolutely thrilled to have your application in our hands!

We want to make sure you're all set for your upcoming interviews, and we've put together this candidate handbook on Notion to walk you through our interview process, offer insights into our company culture, and share our values with you. As you progress throughout our process, we are here to support you with updates and answer any questions you have.

Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you need any assistance!


🚀 Our mission

LI.FI* is a bridge & DEX aggregation protocol that abstracts away the most crucial financial infrastructure to move in and out of any position on any chain — the one gateway to access all DeFi.

*Li /lɪˈ/ in LI.FI is an abbreviation for linked finance.


🪁 Our culture

Culture can sometimes be hard to pin down. We like to think about our culture by asking what shared values, behaviors and norms we expect from ourselves, each other and anyone joining our team. These principles form the backbone of our company's core values.

👯 Our team

We are a passionate bunch scattered around the globe from San Francisco to New Delhi, on a mission to enable a fairer, more decentralized world.

Quick facts